Stimulation operations

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Sunday, July 21, 2013

Modern methods of well stimulation applied by Region Ltd., has once again proved its effectiveness and profitability.
Significant fluid loss was observed during workover operations on the well No. 1 of Vasischevskogo field. Besides during the workover the packer has been placed to the wellbore for the subsequent operation of the well according to the packer scheme. All this has necessitated involving of Coiled Tubing and Nitrogen Units for the well stimulation after the workover. Region Company has made out and suggested stimulation operational program, which was approved by the Customer.
Stimulation operations were carried out from 16 to 21 July in the area of Lizogubovka village (Ukraine). To perform this work Region Company has used the following equipment: high-performance Nitrogen Unit, allowing to pump nitrogen gas at pressure up to 700 bar and Coiled Tubing Unit equipped with 38 mm coiled tubing and allowing to perform work at the depth of over 5500 meters. Taking advantage of coiled tubing technology Region Company was able in the shortest possible time to remove from the well the killing fluid absorbed by the formation during the workover and to produce the flow. As a result of works optimal conditions were created for independent performance of the well. Successfully completed work not only saved the time and money that could be spent on traditional stimulation, but also allowed to start commercial production promptly.

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